Items in the ship's locker, excluding personal items.
3 sets of Legionnaire Heavy Combat Zero-G suits, 1 with Aslan dewclaw adapters.
10 Forced Entry Kits.
8 ACRs with RAM grenade adapters, 5 crates of ammo to suit. 1 crate of various grenades.
8 laser rifles.
6 snub pistols, 1 crate of ammo to suit.
1 Accelerator rifles, 1 crate of ammo to suit.
6 sawn off shotguns, 1 crates of ammo to suit.
2 RAM Grenade Launcher, 1 crate of ammo to suit.
1 sniper rifle, 1 case of ammo to suite.
3 crates of grenades.
6 flak jackets.
6 Short range communicators.
6 Long Range communicators.
3 Inertial Locators.
6 Radiation Counters.
8 Survival Kits.
5 Blades.
3 Body Pistols, 12 clips of ammo.
5 SMGs, 1 case of ammo.
1 Carbine, 1 case of ammo.
1 Anti-grav cargo hauler.
1 Auto-cannon, 1 case of ammo.
400 meters climbing rope, 4 climbing harnesses.
1 case Shaped Charges.
15 Nav beacons, 8 camo & 8 anti-grav, 3 locators.
1 case PKX-43 cans with matching sealant and 4 hazmat suits.
4 stun battons.
1 pad water-proof paper & 4 grease pens.
3 anti-grav UAVs & remote consoles.
10 sets cold weather clothing, various sizes.
8 sets Vacc Suits.
2 Metalwork Tool Kits.
2 Mechanical Tool Kits.
2 Electronic Tool Kits.
2 Advanced Bases.