Roye System Defense Boats
Roye has two classes of System Defence Boats, the Roye class 100 dTon boat and the Reginald class 200 dTon boat. The Roye class of boats are named after previous High Judges while the Reginald class of boats are named for Roye's moons. The Roye class of boats are re-purposed shuttles with armour and weapons added, while the Reginald class of boats are re-purposed cargo ships with armour and weapons added.
Ships in class: Sun Sing, Sun Jarvis, Sun Jenos, Sun Camboss
Class: Roye
Type: SDB
Architect: Brett Kruger
Tech Level: 10
Tonnage: 100 Tons
Cost: MCr 81.000
Drives: 6G, Power plant-6
USP UB-1306611-100000-10001-0
Bat Bear 1 1
Bat 1 1
Crew: 2, Pilot and Gunner
Cargo: 23.000 Fuel: 6 tons EP: 6.000 Agility: 5
Armament: Pulse laser and 2 missiles
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops
Single bridge with Model 1 computer
2 staterooms
Architects Fee: MCr 0.810 Cost in Quantity: MCr 64.800
Ships in class: Dia, Gaz
Class: Reginald
Type: SDB
Architect: Brett Kruger
Tech Level: 10
Tonnage: 200 Tons
Cost: MCr 231.790
Drives: 1 jump, 6G, Power plant-8
USP UB-2316821-100000-20002-0 MCr 231.790 200 Tons
Bat Bear 1 1
Bat 1 1
Crew: 7, Pilot, 3 Engineers, Medic\Trooper, 2 Gunners
Cargo: 6.000 Fuel: 36 tons EP: 16.000 Agility: 6
Armament: Triple pulse lasers and Triple missiles
Craft: 1 x 20T Launch
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops
Single bridge with Model 2 computer
20 ton Launch
4 staterooms
Architects Fee: MCr 2.178 Cost in Quantity: MCr 188.232